Pilot logbook
Bucket list

Starting my pilot training in Jazirah Aviation Club

2 minutes read -

I reached out to the Jazirah Aviation Club (Checkout their website) to inquire about their Light Sports Aircraft (LSA) pilot training program. Here is my journey so far from the day I reached out to my first flight. Here is an outline of the LSA program:

Jazirah Aviation Club

Timeline of Jazirah Aviation LSA program




Reached out to Jazirah Aviation Club


Requested security clearance


Security clearance issued


Medical certificate assessment


Ground school started


Written exam


First practical flying class

Fees of getting LSA from Jazirah Aviation Club

Before I start, it costs ~30k up to 35k dirhams for 25 hours of theory + 40 hours of flying. Paying in installments of 5 phases is an option.

Getting a pilot security clearance

The club told me - to my surprize - the clearance could take up to a month for this clearance to be issued luckily mine happened much earlier. They did the application for me; I just submitted my documents (EID, passport, etc) and paid the application fee of 200 dirhams.

In 2 weeks of submitting I received my security clearance which allows me to proceed to the next step.

Aviation medical certificate

I went for an aviation medical certificate assessment at a clinic recommended by Jazirah. This certificate, issued by the General Civil Aviation Authority (GCAA), involved several tests:

Healthbay Dubai Aeromedical department

The entire assessment took a couple of hours and cost 850 dirhams. The certificate was issued on the same day.

Healthbay Dubai Spirometry testUrine drug testGCAA medical certificate

Starting ground school

Now that I'm clear, I paid the membership and ground school fees and started my first ground class the same day. Ground school requires 25 hours covering various topics:

Jazirah Aviation Club Ground school

Ground school hours was very flexible I was able to take live classes online in the early hours of the weekdays as well as weekends.

Only 2 weeks later I completed 25 hours and took a written exam. From this point onwards the fun starts.

Jazirah Aviation Club Ground school

First flight

February 14 - yeah valentines - I recorded the first entry in my pilot logbook, I wrote about my first flying lesson.

I took my very first practical flying class in an Aeroprakt A22 aircraft.

Jazirah Aviation Club Pilot logbook

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