Pilot logbook
Bucket list

I got my pilot license

1 minutes read -
This post is part of my bucket list journey! I completed this goal on Jun 06, 2024. Check out "Get a pilot license before 30" on my bucket list.

In January 2024, I set a goal to get a pilot license and immediately signed up for an LSA (Light Sports Aircraft) license at Jazirah Aviation Club in Ras Al Khaimah. My weekends were dedicated to 25 hours of ground school, followed by 40 hours of flying classes over the next 5 months. The journey became more challenging as the year progressed, with UAE summer temperatures reaching up to 51 degrees. However, I was determined to earn this license and check off another item on my bucket list before turning 30.

Salam Waddah first solo flight

On May 31, I passed my check ride, but to take friends flying with me, I needed an additional Passenger Check at Jazirah Aviation Club. I passed this check on June 6, allowing me to take my first passenger. Many friends are eager to fly with me (thank you for your trust in me!).

Looking back, I realized I enjoyed the journey more than the achievement itself. I already miss my training days, but as my CFI said:

"Your certification is a license to learn. This is the beginning of your learning experience."

See you in the skies and reach out to me if you want to fly

Salam Waddah next to aeroprakt A22

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